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domenica 6 giugno 2010

Cloud fra Golia e Davide

Pensare al Cloud come ecosistema dove, accanto ai macroprogetti dei grandi nomi (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM e Apple soprattutto), possono essere le idee originali dei piccoli a fare la differenza…

In Cloud Market, Arming David May Be the Way to Take Down Goliath

Since the beginning, a big question about cloud computing is how the ecosystem will evolve. Will there be only a handful of superpowers (e.g, Amazon, Google and Microsoft) that possess the knowledge and money to operate at a large scale, or, will there be dozens of providers in the mix, specializing in dozens of different infrastructural areas and vertical markets? Finally, as mainstream providers have begun segregating into the IaaS and PaaS camps, it seems we're getting close to an answer.

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