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venerdì 29 marzo 2019

Welcome To The Post-Octopalypse!

Hello everyone! Since I was a little late to the party for Zomtober, I thought I'd try my hand at coming up with something new for us to aim for in the month of November....
The Post-Octopalypse!

So, the rules for the Post-Octopalypse will be very familiar, as I'm straight up stealing the rules from Zomtober. (Hey, is the post-Octopalypse, you have to scavenge to survive, man!) To take part you just need to paint one "potentially post-apocalyptic" model each week, in any scale you like, posting it to your blog by the Sunday (we use Sunday's as the end of each Post-Octopalypse week). So that means one or more minis each week on or before the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of November 2015. Since this is late notice, anyone who doesn't get someone in the first week can get a pass.  After all, it takes a while to get those vault doors open. To add to the feel, each blog in the list will be marked as either a SURVIVOR! if they make all four (three really) weeks model completions, or a VICTIM! if they miss one.

 Anyone commenting on this post will get added to the blog list below (and feel free to do something similar on your own blogs- as the word spreads, more and more bloggers can be involved!). Also, as a bonus, if anyone is a member of the #WIPWednesday movement, please feel free to post a "potentially post-apocalyptic" model for both #WIPWednesday and finish him for Sunday (or the next Sunday).

What constitutes a "potentially post-apocalyptic" model, you ask?  Well, where "zombie" is fairly cut and dry, and what might be hunting them is somewhat cut and dry, "Potentially post=apocalyptic" is a bit more open to interpretation.  After all, if it was a zombie apocalypse, all your Zomtober models that you didn't get to still apply.  A radioactive apocalypse could have mutants and all sorts of things, a "no fuel apocalypse" could see rabid gangs searching the desert for fuel.... what have you. Additionally, since *terrain is important*, working on suitably post-apocalyptic terrain pieces for your wargaming table works as well. So, this one's actually a fairly large range, and I can't wait to see everyone's offerings!

Additionally, it doesn't hurt that our club is ramping up for both a This Is Not a Test campaign and a Dark Age campaign, and just went heavy into Punkapocalyptic as well, so we've got a lot of PA dudes, dudettes, robots, and monsters to work on!

Good luck everyone, and here's hoping you can make it out of the month alive!!!

Post-Octopalypse Blog Roll

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